Life Gets Better Together
Welcomes You
Better Together Housing NJ
"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does"
- William James

Here at Life Gets Better Together, Inc., we know that sometimes all it takes to change the world is a little support. Since our founding in 2020, we have been determined to make an impact. The core of our efforts is to end homelessness for and empower LGBTQIA+ youth and young adults, ages 16-24, in Newark and the surrounding areas.
What We Offer
Emergency Shelter
The emergency shelter will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis, nightly. It will also be “low-bearing,” meaning, individuals without proper identification will be able to stay for the night.
Traditional Shleter
The traditional shelter will be open to individuals between the ages of 18 and 24. The typical stay will range from 1 to 90 days.
Supervised Transitional Living (STLP)
The Supervised Transitional Living Program provides supervised housing and everyday life skills to older youth, ages 16-21, to help them become self-sufficient, independent adults.
Life Skills Training
These groups will discuss different aspects of daily living and provide the residents the opportunity to learn additional skills.
Counseling Services
Mental and emotional health is important to our mission and vision. As a way to stop the cycle of homelessness, individuals may benefit from counseling services to improve their mental health.
Case Management
Case management services will consist of connecting individuals to resources in the community, employment, medication management organizations, and addressing food insecurity concerns.
What We Offer
We plan to offer a wrap-around approach, which consists of weekly case management, life skills training, group/individual counseling, as well as educational resources. While Life Gets Better Together Inc. is a safe haven for LGBTQ youth during their stay, we also provide ongoing services through our aftercare program.

LGBTQ youth are 120% more likely to experience homelessness than their non-LGBTQ counterparts,
Although 7% of the general U.S. population identifies as LGBTQ, LGBTQ people make up 40% of the nation's homeless youth population.
LGBTQ youth expreience homelessness at high rates. More specifically, 33% of transgender people of all ages, experienced homelessness at some point
in their life.